Power Soccer

Power Soccer is a sport in which athletes with physical disabilities use electric wheelchairs  to strike a thirteen inch soccer ball on an indoor basketball court. In 2007 Team USA traveled to Tokyo, Japan and won the first ever FIPFA World Cup. I traveled with the team in 2011 to Paris, France as they defended their title. You can see some of my photos from the trip in the Flickr gallery. Leading up to the 2011 Cup I refurbished a soccer chair for Kendra Scalia, and equipped her with a custom foot guard.

I started volunteering for BORP‘s power soccer program around 2007, and have been building equipment, tweaking chairs, and chasing balls ever since. My goal is to make the best power soccer equipment possible with the resources available, and to keep our team competitive on the national level.

If you are reading this page and want to get involved, whether you want to play, volunteer, donate, ask a question, offer resources, or just give an internet thumbs-up, you totally should!

Some posts on power soccer equipment are compiled below:

A Full Soccer Chair

Another Soccer Guard (3)

Another Soccer Guard (2)

Another Soccer Guard

Soccer Guard

Building Soccer Equipment



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