Day 9- More Tillamook

Walking around Tillamook, the most interesting thing that I saw was the pioneer museum. It didn’t look like much when you fist walk in, but as you get away from the entrance and check out the basement and top floor, it is absolutely packed with neat stuff.

There was a room full of photos of the earliest white settlers in the area, examples of artifacts from the people who were here first (lots of weavings, tools, etc), and a room full of weapons. You walk into the room and you’re greeted by a doll with an authentic machine gun:


Skipping over the rest, we come to a weapon used extensively by the Tillamook County PD… Nunchucks?!?


That’s ‘interesting’! What was Even more fascinating was a display case where they had (I think) at least 50 different types of barbed wire. Here are a few:



The museum also had a huge collection of taxidermied animals upstairs. Although the majority were birds, I saw enough mammals to confirm that the animals I saw earlier in my trip were almost certainly weasels.

To wrap up the night, we stocked up on some serious chutney and feasted while watching movies.


So much chutney. (actually completely joking about chutney consumption)

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One Response to Day 9- More Tillamook

  1. Amelia says:

    So many varieties of barbed wire; now you can pick the best one for your future, bad ass tattoo.

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