Day one (1)

The first major event of the trip happened today! I left Gabe’s place at about 8, and went over to this place I’d seen but never tried- Biscuit Bitch.


I ordered a plate of biscuits and gravy smothered in cheese and bacon, and when I reached for my wallet it wasn’t there! I immediately started unpacking my bags, thinking I must have put it someplace weird, and it wasn’t turning up anywhere. I was getting ready to call Gabe’s girlfriend, Dylan, on the chance that she was still at their place to see if I’d maybe left it there.

As I opened my phone, I saw a voicemail. It turns out that a young guy named Yvo had found my wallet on the ground less than a block from Gabe’s! I was so thankful- he reassured me that it still seemed to have everything in it, and he could bring it right over. He did, and it nothing was missing. What a nice guy! He didn’t even let me buy him a coffee or anything. But- I have a blog, so here’s a big shout out to Yvo!

Now I’m catching a ferry to Bremerton, and trying to camp at Twanoh state park. After that I hope to make it to the hostel in Elma. The first day ought to be a little shy of 30 miles, and the second a bit over 50. The map doesn’t look too hilly.

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3 Responses to Day one (1)

  1. FreakyBeaky says:

    Wow. 10,000,000 Karma Points to Yvo!

    (Joe. You know me. Think about a dinner fork in the battery box).

  2. dad says:

    And so the adventure begins. Did you get any shots of the major Naval port in Bremerton? On second thjought, maybe you were smart enought to keep the camera in the bag…Anyway, what will you do to secure the wallet?, and of course, how was the biscuit meal?? Be sure to tell us about your gastronomic adventures along the way.

    • admin says:

      The biscuit meal was pretty good. Nothing to really rave about, but it was tasty. It was covered in cheese and bacon- how do you screw that one up?

      Now I’m keeping my wallet in a zippered pocket of my backpack, and keeping the backpack bungeed to the side of the sleeping bag. I think I really need to get a handlebar bag to hold that, and my map.

      Got a few pictures in Bremerton, but I was in kind of a hurry to get on the road. I guess I could have spared some time, but I was excited to get started.

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